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Facebook Marketplace to start charging some UK sellers

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Facebook is to start charging UK sellers who use its popular Marketplace a 2% commission if they opt to post items to customers via the platform.

Last month the website launched a delivery service that allows sellers to directly post items to buyers using Facebook’s delivery partner rather than relying on face-to-face collections

While it is currently free for sellers to use, it will carry a fee from the beginning of next year, according to MoneySavingExpert.

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Facebook says the delivery service gives buyers more choice, while enabling sellers to reach more people as they will not be limited by their geographical location.

The 2% charge, which does not come into effect until January 2022, will be based on the total cost of the item, as set by the seller, plus the delivery charge as calculated by Hermes. An item selling for £20 with £5 shipping will cost the seller 50p.

Facebook says the fee will help to cover the cost of customer support and purchase protection. Sellers will still be able to avoid this charge when it comes in by continuing to use Facebook’s collection-only option, it says.

Last month the company revealed that its annual revenues grew in 2020 by 35% to $29.01bn (£21.3bn), thanks to a boom in online advertising.

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