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SSE failed to close my father’s account after his death months ago

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My father died in May and, try as I might, I cannot get SSE to close his electricity account, nor give me an indication of whether it is in debit or credit.

He lived in a small, one-bedroom flat in a sheltered housing complex so I cannot understand what the problem is … in fact SSE doesn’t seem to know.

I am the executor of his will and cannot finalise his estate until this is resolved. It is the only thing outstanding.

I think what I am most aggrieved about is the lack of compassion and understanding from SSE. Having to constantly explain to people that my father has died is incredibly upsetting.

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DB, by email

That’s poor service from SSE, now part of Ovo Energy after the Scottish supplier sold its domestic power customers. People in your position just need to get the matter resolved quickly and efficiently – and this wasn’t your experience.

After I took up your complaint, the company quickly resolved the matter. SSE Energy Services says: “We can confirm a final bill has been issued and the account is closed. We’re sorry and have apologised to DB for the time taken to resolve [this] and cleared the outstanding balance (£175) as a gesture of goodwill.”

We welcome letters but cannot answer individually. Email us at or write to Consumer Champions, Money, the Guardian, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Please include a daytime phone number. Submission and publication of all letters is subject to our terms and conditions

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